Upcoming Art Exhibits
- Information on upcoming art exhibit events.
Seeking to promote our members artistic achievement, artists have the opportunity to exhibit their works at local galleries three times a year, with two being held at the Tri- Lakes Center for the Arts in Palmer Lake and one at Bella Art and Frame in Monument, CO. Each show has unique characteristics, from an emphasis on miniatures or a grouping of unique subject matter categories, these exhibits allow for a diverse level of skills and interests by our membership. Additionally, PLAG’s long standing commitment to the artistic journey of School District 38 high school seniors is evident in our sponsorship of student submittals into a curated setting where they learn the “how to” of exhibition skills by our instructors and legacy members. Guests and collectors have the opportunity to view these pieces over a period typically running 30-45 days from it’s Opening Reception which most often coincide with First Friday art events throughout the front range community.
Color Splash
With the onset of spring comes the excitement of our crown jewel annual exhibition, “Color Splash”. This show is typically juried by a well established artist and instructor, with 2024 being honored to have Chris Alvarez join us. Chris has received numerous national awards as an oil painter and most recently the recipient of Plein Air Magazine’s “Best Vehicle” painting of Gila Blue and Southwest Art Magazine’s “Artists to Watch”. Additionally, this exhibition showcases the curated art created by the winners of PLAG’s D-38 Senior Art Student Scholarship Program. In 2024 we are awarding scholarships to 3 seniors at Lewis Palmer and Palmer Ridge High Schools for their continued collegiate level art journey.

Gila Blue Chris Alvarez, Artist
If you wish to submit your artwork for the Color Splash Art Show click the link below:

Our Fall Small Works Art Show features “miniatures” developed by artists as both studies for larger works, as well as fully realized fine art pieces. Reflecting a centuries old artistic custom, the spirit of miniaturism gives this exhibition and its collectors an opportunity to supplement art walls with a balance of smaller pieces to create harmony in their array of works. Hosted by Bella Art and Frame, focused buyers and artists alike enjoy the seasonal nature of the show in support of locally created and original artworks showcased throughout the winter holidays.

If you wish to lear more about our Winter Art Show click the link below: